Friday, 28 November 2014

Scraping SSL Labs Server Test Results With R

    NOTE: Qualys allows automated access to their SSL Server Test site in their T&C’s, and the R fucntion/script provided here does its best to adhere to their guidelines. However, if you launch multiple scripts at one time and catch their attention you will, no doubt, be banned.

This post will show you how to do some basic web page data scraping with R. To make it more palatable to those in the security domain, we’ll be scraping the results from Qualys’ SSL Labs SSL Test site by building an R function that will:

    fetch the contents of a URL with RCurl
    process the HTML page tags with R’s XML library
    identify the key elements from the page that need to be scraped
    organize the results into a usable R data structure

You can skip ahead to the code at the end (or in this gist) or read on for some expository that isn’t in the code’s comments.

Setting up the script and processing flow

We’ll need some assistance from three R packages to perform the scraping, processing and transformation tasks:

library(RCurl) # scraping
library(XML)   # XML (HTML) processing
library(plyr)  # data transformation

If you poke at the SSL Test site with a few different URLs, you’ll see there are three primary inputs to the GET request we’ll need to issue:

    d (the domain)
    s (the IP address to test)
    ignoreMismatch (which we’ll leave as ‘on‘)

You’ll also see that there’s often a delay between issuing a request and getting the results, so we’ll need to build in a GET+check-loop (like the javascript on the page does automagically). Finally, when the results are eventually displayed they are (at least for this example) usually either "Overall Rating" or "Assessment" and, we’ll use that status result in our tests for what to return.

We’ll account for the domain and IP address in the function parameters along with the amount of time we should pause between GET+check attempts. It’s also a good idea to provide a way to pass in any extra curl options (e.g. in the event folks are behind a proxy server and need to input that to make the requests work). We’ll define the function with some default parameters:

get_rating <- function(site="", ip="", pause=5, curl.opts=list()) {


This definition says that if we just call get_rating(), it will

    default to using "" as the domain (you can pick what you want in your implementation)
    not supply an IP address (which the script will then have to lookup with nsl)
    will pause 5s between GET+check attempts
    pass no extra curl options

Getting into the details

For the IP address logic, we’ll have to test if we passed in an an address string and perform a lookup if not:

# try to resolve IP if not specified; if no IP can be found, return
# a "NA" data frame

  if (ip == "") {

    tmp <- nsl(site)
    if (is.null(tmp)) {
      return(data.frame(site=site, ip=NA, Certificate=NA,
                        Protocol.Support=NA, Key.Exchange=NA,
                        Cipher.Strength=NA)) }
    ip <- tmp

(don’t worry about the return(...) part yet, we’ll get there in a bit).

Once we have an IP address, we’ll need to make the call to the test site and perform the check loop:

# get the contents of the URL (will be the raw HTML text)
# build the URL with sprintf

rating.dat <- getURL(sprintf("", site, ip), .opts=curl.opts)

# while we don't find some indication of a completed request,
# pause and try again

while(!grepl("(Overall Rating|Assessment failed)", rating.dat)) {
  rating.dat <- getURL(sprintf("", site, ip), .opts=curl.opts)

We can then start making some decisions based on the results:

# if the assessment failed, return a data frame of NA's

if (grepl("Assessment failed", rating.dat)) {

  return(data.frame(site=site, ip=NA, Certificate=NA,
                    Protocol.Support=NA, Key.Exchange=NA,

# otherwise, parse the resultant HTML

x <- htmlTreeParse(rating.dat, useInternalNodes = TRUE)

Unfortunately, the results are not “consistent”. While there are plenty of uniquely identifiable <div>s, there are enough differences between runs that we have to be a bit generic in our selection of data elements to extract. I’ll leave the view-source: of a result as an exercise to the reader. For this example, we’ll focus on extracting:

        the overall rating (A-F)
        the “Certificate” score
        the “Protocol Support” score
        the “Key Exchange” score
        the “Cipher Strength” score

There are plenty of additional fields to extract, but you should be able to extrapolate and grab what you want to from the rest of the example.

Extracting the results

We’ll need to delve into XPath to extract the <div> values. We’ll use the xpathSApply function to perform this task. Since there sometimes is a <span> tag within the <div> for the rating and since the rating has a class tag to help identify which color it should be, we use a starts-with selection parameter to just get anything beginning with rating_. If it returns an R list structure, we know we have the one with a <span> element, so we re-issue the call with that extra XPath component.

rating <- xpathSApply(x,"//div[starts-with(@class,'rating_')]/text()", xmlValue)

if (class(rating) == "list") {

  rating <- xpathSApply(x,"//div[starts-with(@class,'rating_')]/span/text()", xmlValue)

For the four attributes (and values) we’ll be extracting, we can use the getNodeSet call which will give us all of them into a structure we can process with xpathSApply

labs <- getNodeSet(x,"//div[@class='chartBody']/div[@class='chartRow']/div[@class='chartLabel']")

vals <- getNodeSet(x,"//div[@class='chartBody']/div[@class='chartRow']/div[starts-with(@class,'chartValue')]")

# convert them to vectors

labs <- xpathSApply(labs[[1]], "//div[@class='chartLabel']/text()", xmlValue)

vals <- xpathSApply(vals[[1]], "//div[starts-with(@class,'chartValue')]/text()", xmlValue)

At this point, labs will be a vector of label names and vals will be the corresponding values. We’ll put them, the original domain and the IP address into a data frame:

# rbind will turn the vector into row elements, with each

# value being in a column

rating.result <- data.frame(site=site, ip=ip,

                            rating=rating, rbind(vals),

# we use the labs vector as the column names (in the right spot)    

colnames(rating.result) <- c("site", "ip", "rating",

                              gsub(" ", "\\.", labs))

and return the result:
Finishing up

If we run the whole function on one domain we’ll get a one-row data frame back as a result. If we use ldply from the plyr package to run the get_rating function repeatedly on a vector of domains, it will combine them all into one whole data frame. For example:

sites <- c("", "", "")

ratings <- ldply(sites, get_rating)


##                site              ip rating Certificate Protocol.Support Key.Exchange Cipher.Strength

## 1      B         100               70           80              90

## 2      A         100               90           80              90

## 3            <NA>   <NA>        <NA>             <NA>         <NA>            <NA>

There are many tweaks you can make to this function to extract more data and perform additional processing. If you make some of your own changes, you’re encouraged to add to the gist (link above & below) and/or drop a note in the comments.

Hopefully you’ve seen how well-suited R is for this type of operation and have been encouraged to use it in your next attempt at some site/data scraping.


 #' get the Qualys SSL Labs rating for a domain+cert


#' @param site domain to test SSL configuration of

#' @param ip address of \code{site} (will resolve it and take\cr

#' first response if not specified, but that may not always work as you expect)

#' @param hide.results ["on"|"off"] should the results show up in the SSL Labs history (default "on")

#' @param pause timeout between tries (default 5s)

#' @param curl.opts options to pass to \code{getURL} i.e. proxy setting

#' @return data frame of results


  get_rating <- function(site="", ip="", hide.results="on", pause=5, curl.opts=list()) {

# try to resolve IP if not specified; if no IP can be found, return

# a "NA" data frame

if (ip == "") {

tmp <- nsl(site)

if (is.null(tmp)) { return(data.frame(site=site, ip=NA, Certificate=NA,

Protocol.Support=NA, Key.Exchange=NA, Cipher.Strength=NA)) }

ip <- tmp


# need to let it actually process the certificate if not already cached

rating.dat <- getURL(sprintf("", site, ip, hide.results), .opts=curl.opts)

while(!grepl("(Overall Rating|Assessment failed)", rating.dat)) {


rating.dat <- getURL(sprintf("", site, ip, hide.results), .opts=curl.opts)


if (grepl("Assessment failed", rating.dat)) {

return(data.frame(site=site, ip=NA, Certificate=NA,

Protocol.Support=NA, Key.Exchange=NA, Cipher.Strength=NA))


x <- htmlTreeParse(rating.dat, useInternalNodes = TRUE)

# sometimes there is a <span ...> tag in the <div>, which will result in an

# empty list() object being returned. we check for that and handle it

# appropriately.

rating <- xmlValue(x[["//div[starts-with(@class,'rating_')]/text()"]])

if (class(rating) == "list") {

rating <- xmlValue(x[["//div[starts-with(@class,'rating_')]/span/text()"]])


# extract the XML objects for the ratings labels & values

labs <- getNodeSet(x,"//div[@class='chartBody']/div[@class='chartRow']/div[@class='chartLabel']")

vals <- getNodeSet(x,"//div[@class='chartBody']/div[@class='chartRow']/div[starts-with(@class,'chartValue')]")

# convert them to vectors

labs <- xpathSApply(labs[[1]], "//div[@class='chartLabel']/text()", xmlValue)

vals <- xpathSApply(vals[[1]], "//div[starts-with(@class,'chartValue')]/text()", xmlValue)

# make them into a data frame

rating.result <- data.frame(site=site, ip=ip, rating=rating, rbind(vals), row.names=NULL)

colnames(rating.result) <- c("site", "ip", "rating", gsub(" ", "\\.", labs))



 sites <- c("", "", "")

ratings <- ldply(sites, get_rating)


## site ip rating Certificate Protocol.Support Key.Exchange Cipher.Strength

## 1 B 100 70 80 90

## 2 A 100 90 80 90

## 3 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>


Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Web Scraping Tools for Non-developers

I recently spoke with a resource-limited organization that is investigating government corruption and wants to access various public datasets to monitor politicians and law firms. They don’t have developers in-house, but feel pretty comfortable analyzing datasets in CSV form. While many public datasources are available in structured form, some sources are hidden in what us data folks call the deep web. Amazon is a nice example of a deep website, where you have to enter text into a search box, click on a few buttons to narrow down your results, and finally access relatively structured data (prices, model numbers, etc.) embedded in HTML. Amazon has a structured database of their products somewhere, but all you get to see is a bunch of webpages trapped behind some forms.

A developer usually isn’t hindered by the deep web. If we want the data on a webpage, we can automate form submissions and key presses, and we can parse some ugly HTML before emitting reasonably structured CSVs or JSON. But what can one accomplish without writing code?

This turns out to be a hard problem. Lots of companies have tried, to varying degrees of success, to build a programmer-free interface for structured web data extraction. I had the pleasure of working on one such project, called Needlebase at ITA before Google acquired it and closed things down. David Huynh, my wonderful colleague from grad school, prototyped a tool called Sifter that did most of what one would need, but like all good research from 2006, the lasting impact is his paper rather than his software artifact.

Below, I’ve compiled a list of some available tools. The list comes from memory, the advice of some friends that have done this before, and, most productively, a question on Twitter that Hilary Mason was nice enough to retweet.

The bad news is that none of the tools I tested would work out of the box for the specific use case I was testing. To understand why, I’ll break down the steps required for a working web scraper, and then use those steps to explain where various solutions broke down.

The anatomy of a web scraper

There are three steps to a structured extraction pipeline:

    Authenticate yourself. This might require logging in to a website or filling out a CAPTCHA to prove you’re not…a web scraper. Because the source I wanted to scrape required filling out a CAPTCHA, all of the automated tools I’ll review below failed step 1. It suggests that as a low bar, good scrapers should facilitate a human in the loop: automate the things machines are good at automating, and fall back to a human to perform authentication tasks the machines can’t do on their own.

    Navigate to the pages with the data. This might require entering some text into a search box (e.g., searching for a product on Amazon), or it might require clicking “next” through all of the pages that results are split over (often called pagination). Some of the tools I looked at allowed entering text into search boxes, but none of them correctly handled pagination across multiple pages of results.

    Extract the data. On any page you’d like to extract content from, the scraper has to help you identify the data you’d like to extract. The cleanest example of this that I’ve seen is captured in a video for one of the tools below: the interface lets you click on some text you want to pluck out of a website, asks you to label it, and then allows you to correct mistakes it learns how to extract the other examples on the page.

As you’ll see in a moment, the steps at the top of this list are hardest to automate.

What are the tools?

Here are some of the tools that came highly recommended, and my experience with them. None of those passed the CAPTCHA test, so I’ll focus on their handling of navigation and extraction.

    Web Scraper is a Chrome plugin that allows you to build navigable site maps and extract elements from those site maps. It would have done everything necessary in this scenario, except the source I was trying to scrape captured click events on links (I KNOW!), which tripped things up. You should give it a shot if you’d like to scrape a simpler site, and the youtube video that comes with it helps get around the slightly confusing user interface. looks like a clean webpage-to-api story. The service views any webpage as a potential data source to generate an API from. If the page you’re looking at has been scraped before, you can access an API or download some of its data. If the page hasn’t been processed before, walks you through the process of building connectors (for navigation) or extractors (to pull out the data) for the site. Once at the page with the data you want, you can annotate a screenshot of the page with the fields you’d like to extract. After you submit your request, it appears to get queued for extraction. I’m still waiting for the data 24 hours after submitting a request, so I can’t vouch for the quality, but the delay suggests that uses crowd workers to turn your instructions into some sort of semi-automated extraction process, which likely helps improve extraction quality. The site I tried to scrape requires an arcane combination of javascript/POST requests that threw’s connectors for a lo
op, and ultimately made it impossible to tell how to navigate the site. Despite the complications, seems like one of the more polished website-to-data efforts on this list.

    Kimono was one of the most popular suggestions I got, and is quite polished. After installing the Kimono bookmarklet in your browser, you can select elements of the page you wish to extract, and provide some positive/negative examples to train the extractor. This means that unlike, you don’t have to wait to get access to the extracted data. After labeling the data, you can quickly export it as CSV/JSON/a web endpoint. The tool worked seamlessly to extract a feed from the Hackernews front page, but I’d imagine that failures in the automated approach would make me wish I had access to’s crowd workers. The tool would be high on my list except that navigation/pagination is coming soon, and will ultimately cost money.

    Dapper, which is now owned by Yahoo!, provides about the same level of scraping capabilities as Kimono. You can extract content, but like Kimono it’s unclear how to navigate/paginate.

    Google Docs was an unexpected contender. If the data you’re extracting is in an HTML table/RSS Feed/CSV file/XML document on a single webpage with no navigation/authentication, you can use one of the Import* functions in Google Docs. The IMPORTHTML macro worked as advertised in a quick test.

    iMacros is a tool that I could imagine solves all of the tasks I wanted, but costs more than I was willing to pay to write this blog post. Interestingly, the free version handles the steps that the other tools on this list don’t do as well: navigation. Through your browser, iMacros lets you automate filling out forms, clicking on “next” links, etc. To perform extraction, you have to pay at least $495.

    A friend has used Screen-scraper in the past with good outcomes. It handles navigation as well as extraction, but costs money and requires a small amount of programming/tokenization skills.

    Winautomation seems cool, but it’s only available for Windows, which was a dead end for me.

So that’s it? Nothing works?

Not quite. None of these tools solved the problem I had on a very challenging website: the site clearly didn’t want to be crawled given the CAPTCHA, and the javascript-submitted POST requests threw most of the tools that expected navigation through links for a loop. Still, most of the tools I reviewed have snazzy demos, and I was able to use some of them for extracting content from sites that were less challenging than the one I initially intended to scrape.

All hope is not lost, however. Where pure automation fails, a human can step in. Several proposals suggested paying people on oDesk, Mechanical Turk, or CrowdFlower to extract the content with a human touch. This would certainly get us past the CAPTCHA and hard-to-automate navigation. It might get pretty expensive to have humans copy/paste the data for extraction, however. Given that the tools above are good at extracting content from any single page, I suspect there’s room for a human-in-the-loop scraping tool to steal the show: humans can navigate and train the extraction step, and the machine can perform the extraction. I suspect that’s what is up to, and I’m hopeful they keep the tool available to folks like the ones I initially tried to help.

While we’re on the topic of human-powered solutions, it might make sense to hire a developer on oDesk to just implement the scraper for the site this organization was looking at. While a lot of the developer-free tools I mentioned above look promising, there are clearly cases where paying someone for a few hours of script-building just makes sense.


Sunday, 23 November 2014

Using Kimono Labs to Scrape the Web for Free

Historically, I have written and presented about big data—using data to create insights, and how to automate your data ingestion process by connecting to APIs and leveraging advanced database technologies.

Recently I spoke at SMX West about leveraging the rich data in webmaster tools. After the panel, I was approached by the in-house SEO of a small company, who asked me how he could extract and leverage all the rich data out there without having a development team or large budget. I pointed him to the CSV exports and some of the more hidden tools to extract Google data, such as the GA Query Builder and the YouTube Analytics Query Builder.

However, what do you do if there is no API? What do you do if you want to look at unstructured data, or use a data source that does not provide an export?

For today's analytics pros, the world of scraping—or content extraction (sounds less black hat)—has evolved a lot, and there are lots of great technologies and tools out there to help solve those problems. To do so, many companies have emerged that specialize in programmatic content extraction such as Mozenda, ScraperWiki, ImprtIO, and Outwit, but for today's example I will use Kimono Labs. Kimono is simple and easy to use and offers very competitive pricing (including a very functional free version). I should also note that I have no connection to Kimono; it's simply the tool I used for this example.

Before we get into the actual "scraping" I want to briefly discuss how these tools work.

The purpose of a tool like Kimono is to take unstructured data (not organized or exportable) and convert it into a structured format. The prime example of this is any ranking tool. A ranking tool reads Google's results page, extracts the information and, based on certain rules, it creates a visual view of the data which is your ranking report.

Kimono Labs allows you to extract this data either on demand or as a scheduled job. Once you've extracted the data, it then allows you to either download it via a file or extract it via their own API. This is where Kimono really shines—it basically allows you to take any website or data source and turn it into an API or automated export.

For today's exercise I would like to create two scrapers.

A. A ranking tool that will take Google's results and store them in a data set, just like any other ranking tool. (Disclaimer: this is meant only as an example, as scraping Google's results is against Google's Terms of Service).

B. A ranking tool for Slideshare. We will simulate a Slideshare search and then extract all the results including some additional metrics. Once we have collected this data, we will look at the types of insights you are able to generate.

1. Sign up

Signup is simple; just go to and complete the form. You will then be brought to a welcome page where you will be asked to drag their bookmarklet into your bookmarks bar.

The Kimonify Bookmarklet is the trigger that will start the application.

2. Building a ranking tool

Simply navigate your browser to Google and perform a search; in this example I am going to use the term "scraping." Once the results pages are displayed, press the kimonify button (in some cases you might need to search again). Once you complete your search you should see a screen like the one below:

It is basically the default results page, but on the top you should see the Kimono Tool Bar. Let's have a close look at that:

The bar is broken down into a few actions:

    URL – Is the current URL you are analyzing.

    ITEM NAME – Once you define an item to collect, you should name it.

    ITEM COUNT – This will show you the number of results in your current collection.

    NEW ITEM – Once you have completed the first item, you can click this to start to collect the next set.

    PAGINATION – You use this mode to define the pagination link.

    UNDO – I hope I don't have to explain this ;)

    EXTRACTOR VIEW – The mode you see in the screenshot above.

    MODEL VIEW – Shows you the data model (the items and the type).

    DATA VIEW – Shows you the actual data the current page would collect.

    DONE – Saves your newly created API.

After you press the bookmarklet you need to start tagging the individual elements you want to extract. You can do this simply by clicking on the desired elements on the page (if you hover over it, it changes color for collectable elements).

Kimono will then try to identify similar elements on the page; it will highlight some suggested ones and you can confirm a suggestion via the little checkmark:

A great way to make sure you have the correct elements is by looking at the count. For example, we know that Google shows 10 results per page, therefore we want to see "10" in the item count box, which indicates that we have 10 similar items marked. Now go ahead and name your new item group. Each collection of elements should have a unique name. In this page, it would be "Title".

Now it's time to confirm the data; just click on the little Data icon to see a preview of the actual data this page would collect. In the data view you can switch between different formats (JSON, CSV and RSS). If everything went well, it should look like this:

As you can see, it not only extracted the visual title but also the underlying link. Good job!

To collect some more info, click on the Extractor icon again and pick out the next element.

Now click on the Plus icon and then on the description of the first listing. Since the first listing contains site links, it is not clear to Kimono what the structure is, so we need to help it along and click on the next description as well.

As soon as you do this, Kimono will identify some other descriptions; however, our count only shows 8 instead of the 10 items that are actually on that page. As we scroll down, we see some entries with author markup; Kimono is not sure if they are part of the set, so click the little checkbox to confirm. Your count should jump to 10.

Now that you identified all 10 objects, go ahead and name that group; the process is the same as in the Title example. In order to make our Tool better than others, I would like to add one more set— the author info.

Once again, click the Plus icon to start a new collection and scroll down to click on the author name. Because this is totally unstructured, Google will make a few recommendations; in this case, we are working on the exclusion process, so press the X for everything that's not an author name. Since the word "by" is included, highlight only the name and not "by" to exclude that (keep in mind you can always undo if things get odd).

Once you've highlighted both names, results should look like the one below, with the count in the circle being 2 representing the two authors listed on this page.

Out of interest I did the same for the number of people in their Google+ circles. Once you have done that, click on the Model View button, and you should see all the fields. If you click on the Data View you should see the data set with the authors and circles.

As a final step, let's go back to the Extractor view and define the pagination; just click the Pagination button (it looks like a book) and select the next link. Once you have done that, click Done.

You will be presented with a screen similar to this one:

Here you simply name your API, define how often you want this data to be extracted and how many pages you want to crawl. All of these settings can be changed manually; I would leave it with On demand and 10 pages max to not overuse your credits.

Once you've saved your API, there are a ton of options (too many to review here). Kimono has a great learning section you can check out any time.

To collect the listings requires a quick setup. Click on the pagination tab, turn it on and set your schedule to On demand to pull data when you ask it to. Your screen should look like this:

Now press Crawl and Kimono will start collecting your data. If you see any issues, you can always click on Edit API and go back to the extraction screen.

Once the crawl is completed, go to the Test Endpoint tab to view or download your data (I prefer CSV because you can easily open it in Excel, CSV, Spotfire, etc.) A possible next step here would be doing this for multiple keywords and then analyzing the impact of, say, G+ Authority on rankings. Again, many of you might say that a ranking tool can already do this, and that's true, but I wanted to cover the basics before we dive into the next one.

3. Extracting SlideShare data

With Slideshare's recent growth in popularity it has become a document sharing tool of choice for many marketers. But what's really on Slideshare, who are the influencers, what makes it tick? We can utilize a custom scraper to extract that kind data from Slideshare.

To get started, point your browser to Slideshare and pick a keyword to search for.

For our example I want to look at presentations that talk about PPC in English, sorted by popularity, so the URL would be:

Once you are on that page, pick the Kimonify button as you did earlier and tag the elements. In this case I will tag:


Once you have tagged those, go ahead and add the pagination as described above.

That will make a nice rich dataset which should look like this:

Hit Done and you're finished. In order to quickly highlight the benefits of this rich data, I am going to load the data into Spotfire to get some interesting statics (I hope).

4. Insights

Rather than do a step-by-step walktrough of how to build dashboards, which you can find here, I just want to show you some insights you can glean from this data:

    Most Popular Authors by Category. This shows you the top contributors and the categories they are in for PPC (squares sized by Likes)

    Correlations. Is there a correlation between the numbers of slides vs. the number of likes? Why not find out?
    Category with the most PPC content. Discover where your content works best (most likes).

5. Output

One of the great things about Kimono we have not really covered is that it actually converts websites into APIs. That means you build them once, and each time you need the data you can call it up. As an example, if I call up the Slideshare API again tomorrow, the data will be different. So you basically appified Slisdeshare. The interesting part here is the flexibility that Kimono offers. If you go to the How to Use slide, you will see the way Kimono treats the Source URL In this case it looks like this:

The way you can pull data from Kimono aside from the export is their own API; in this case you call the default URL,

You would get the default data from the original URL; however, as illustrated in the table above, you can dynamically adjust elements of the source URL.

For example, if you append "&q=SEO"


you would get the top slides for SEO instead of PPC. You can change any of the URL options easily.

I know this was a lot of information, but believe me when I tell you, we just scratched the surface. Tools like Kimono offer a variety of advanced functions that really open up the possibilities. Once you start to realize the potential, you will come up with some amazing, innovative ideas. I would love to see some of them here shared in the comments. So get out there and start scraping … and please feel free to tweet at me or reply below with any questions or comments!


Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Web Scraping for SEO with these Open-Source Scrapers

When conducting Search Engine Optimization (SEO), we’re required to scrape websites for data, our campaigns, and reports for our clients. At the lowest level we utilize scraping to keep track of rankings on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo, even keep a track of links on websites to know when it’s completed its lifespan. Then we’ve used them to help us aggregate data from APIs, RSS feeds, and websites to conduct some of our data mining to find patterns to help us become more competitive. 

So scraping is a function majority of companies (SEOmoz, Raventools, and Google) have to do to either save money, protect intellectual property, track trends, etc… Businesses can find infinite uses with scraping tools, it just depends if you’re an printed circuit board manufacturer looking for ideas on your e-mail marketing campaign or a Orange County based business trying to keep an eye out on the competition. which is why we’ve created a comprehensive list of open source scrapers out there to help all the businesses out there. Just keep in mind we haven’t used all of them!

Words of caution, web scrapers require knowledge specific to the language such as PHP & cURL. Take into considerations issues like cookie management, fault tolerance, organizing the data properly, not crashing the website being scraped, and making sure the website doesn’t prohibit scraping.

If you’re ready, here’s the list…




    Piggy Bank




    Scrapy **



We’ll come back and update this list as we encounter more! If you would like to submit a solution we missed, feel free. Also we’re looking for guides related to each of these, so if you know of any or would be interested in guesting blogging about one, let us know!


Monday, 17 November 2014

How to scrape data without coding? A step by step tutorial on (pronounced import-eye-oh) lets you scrape data from any website into a searchable database. It is perfect for gathering, aggregating and analysing data from websites without the need for coding skills. As Sally Hadadi, from, told the idea is to “democratise” data. “We want journalists to get the best information possible to encourage and enhance unique, powerful pieces of work and generally make their research much easier.” Different uses for journalists, supplemented by case studies, can be found here.

A beginner’s guide

After downloading and opening browser, copy the URL of the page you want to scrape into the browser. I decided to scrape the search results website of orphanages in London:

001 Orphanages in London

After opening the website, press the tiny pink button in top right corner of the browser and follow up with “Let’s get cracking!” in the bottom right menu which has just appeared.

Then, choose the type of scraping you want to perform. In my case, it’s a Crawler (we’ll be getting data from multiple similar pages on the same site):


And confirm the URL of the website you want to scrape by clicking “I’m there”.

As advised, choose “Detect optimal settings” and confirm the following:


In the menu “Rows per page” select the format in which data appears on the website, whether it is “single” or “multiple”. I’m opting for the multiple as my URL is a listing of multiple search results:multiple

Now, the time has come to “train your rows” i.e. mark which part of the website you are interested in scraping. Hover over an entire “entry” or “paragraph”:hover over entry

…and he entry will be highlighted in pink or blue. Press “Train rows”.

train rows

Repeat the operation with the next entry/paragraph so that the scraper gets the hang of the pattern of your selections. Two examples should suffice. Scroll down to the bottom of your website to make sure that all entries until the last one are selected (=highlighted in pink or blue alternately).

If it is, press “I’ve got all 50 rows” (the number depends on how many rows you have selected).

Now it’s time to focus on particular chunks of data you would like to extract. My entries consist of a name of the orphanage, address, phone number and a short description so I will extract all those to separate columns. Let’s start by adding a column “name”:

add column

Next, highlight the name of the first orphanage in the list and press “Train”.


Your table should automatically fill in with names of all orphanages in the list:table name

If it didn’t, try tweaking your selection a bit. Then add another column “address” and extract the address of the orphanage by highlighting the two lines of addresses and “training” the rows.

Repeat the operation for a “phone number” and “description”. Your table should end up looking like this:table final

*Before passing on to the next column it is worth to check that all the rows have filled up. If not, highlighting and training of the individual elements might be necessary.

Once you’ve grabbed all that you need, click “I’ve got what I need”. The menu will now ask you if you want to scrape more pages. In this case, the search yielded two pages of search results so I will add another page. In order to this this, go back to your website in you regular browser, choose page 2 (or any next one) of your search results and copy the URL. Paste it into the browser and confirm by clicking “I’m there”:

i'm there

The scraper should automatically fill in your table for page 2. Click “I’ve got all 45 rows” and “I’ve got what I needed”.

You need to add at least 5 pages, which is a bit frustrating with a smaller data set like this one. The way around it is to add page 2 a couple of times and delete the unnecessary rows in the final table.

Once the cheating is done, click “I’m done training!” and “Upload to”.


Give the name to your Crawler, e.g. “Orphanages in London” and wait for to upload your data. Then, run crawler:run crawler

Make sure that the page depth is 10 and that click “Go”. If you’re scraping a huge dataset with several pages of search results, you can copy your URLs to Excel, highlight them and drag down with a black cross (bottom right of the cell) to obtain a comprehensive list. Paste it into the “Where to start?” window and press “Go”.go

crawlingAfter the crawling is complete, you can download you data in EXCEL, HTML, JSON or CSV.dataset

As a result, we obtain a data set which can be easily turned into a map of orphanages in London, e.g. using Google Fusion Tables.


Sunday, 16 November 2014

Is Web Scraping Legal?

Web scraping might be one of the best ways to aggregate content from across the internet, but it comes with a caveat: It’s also one of the hardest tools to parse from a legal standpoint.

For the uninitiated, web scraping is a process whereby an automated piece of software extracts data from a website by “scraping” through the site’s many pages. While search engines like Google and Bing do a similar task when they index web pages, scraping engines take the process a step further and convert the information into a format which can be easily transferred over to a database or spreadsheet.

It’s also important to note that a web scraper is not the same as an API. While a company might provide an API to allow other systems to interact with its data, the quality and quantity of data available through APIs is typically lower than what is made available through web scraping. In addition, web scrapers provide more up-to-date information than APIs and are much easier to customize from a structural standpoint.

The applications of this “scraped” information are widespread. A journalist like Nate Silver might use scrapers to monitor baseball statistics and create numerical evidence for a new sports story he’s working on. Similarly, an eCommerce business might bulk scrape product titles, prices, and SKUs from other sites in order to further analyze them.

Legality of Web ScrapingWhile web scraping is an undoubtedly powerful tool, it’s still undergoing growing pains when it comes to legal matters. Because the scraping process appropriates pre-existing content from across the web, there are all kinds of ethical and legal quandaries that confront businesses who hope to do leverage scrapers for their own processes.

In this “wild west” environment, where the legal implications of web scraping are in a constant state of flux, it helps to get a foothold on where the legal needle currently falls. The following timeline outlines some of the biggest cases involving web scrapers in the United States, and allows us to achieve a greater understanding on the precedents that surround the court rulings.

Terms of Use Tug-of-War—2000-2009

For years after they first came into use, web scrapers went largely unchallenged from a legal standpoint. In 2000, however, the use of scrapers came under heavy and consistent fire when eBay fired the first shot against an auction data aggregator called Bidder’s Edge. In this very early case, eBay argued that Bidder’s Edge was using scrapers in a way that violated Trespass to Chattels doctrine. While the lawsuit was settled out of court, the judge upheld eBay’s original injunction, stating that heavy bot traffic could very well disrupt eBay’s service.

Then in 2003’s Intel Corp. v. Hamidi, the California Supreme court overturned the basis of eBay v. Bidder’s Edge, ruling that Trespass to Chattels could not extend to the context of computers if no actual damage to personal property occurred.

So in terms of legal action against web scraping, Tresspass to Chattels no longer applied, and things were back to square one. This began a period in which the courts consistently rejected Terms of Service as a valid means of prohibiting scrapers, including cases like Perfect 10 v. Google, and Cvent v. Eventbrite.

The Takeaway: The earliest cases against scrapers hinged on Trespass to Chattels law, and were successful. However, that doctrine is no longer a valid approach.

Facebook Web Scraping2009—Facebook Steps In

In 2009, Facebook turned the tides of the web scraping war when, a site which aggregated multiple social networks into one centralized site, included Facebook in their service. Because was scraping Facebook’s content instead of adhering to their established standards, Facebook sued Power on grounds of copyright infringement.

In denying’s motion to dismiss the case, the Judge ruled that scraping can constitute copying, however momentary that copying may be. And because Facebook’s Terms of Service don’t allow for scraping, that act of copying constituted an infringement on Facebook’s copyright. With this decision, the waters regarding the legality of web scrapers began to shift in favor of the content creators.

The Takeaway: Even if a web scraper ignores infringing content on its way to freely-usable content, it might qualify as copyright infringement by virtue of having technically “copied” the infringing content first.

2011-2014— U.S. v Auernheimer

In 2010, hacker Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer found a security flaw in AT&T’s website, which would display the email addresses of users who visited the site via their iPads. By exploiting the flaw using some simple scripts and a scraper, Auernheimer was able to gather thousands of emails from the AT&T site.

Although these email addresses were publicly available, Auernheimer’s exploit led to his 2012 conviction, where he was charged with identity fraud and conspiracy to access a computer without authorization.

Data ScrapingEarlier this year, the court vacated Auernheimer’s conviction, ruling that the trial’s New Jersey venue was improper. But even though the case turned out to be mostly inconclusive, the court noted the fact that there was no evidence to show that “any password gate or code-based barrier was breached.” This seems to leave room for the web scraping of publicly-available personal information, although it’s still very much open to interpretation and not set in stone.

The Takeaway: Using a web scraper to aggregate sensitive personal information can lead to a conviction, even if that information was technically available to the public. While there is hope in the court’s observation that no passwords or barriers were broken to retrieve this information, the waters here are still very volatile.

2013—Associated Press vs. Meltwater

Meltwater is a software company whose “Global Media Monitoring” product uses scrapers to aggregate news stories for paying clients. The Associated Press took issue with Meltwater’s scraping of their original stories, some of which had been copyrighted. In 2012, AP filed suit against Meltwater for copy infringement and hot news misappropriation.

While it’s already been established that facts cannot be copyrighted, the court decided that the AP’s copyrighted articles—and more specifically, the way in which the facts within those articles were arranged—were not fair game for copying. On top of this, Meltwater’s use of the articles failed to meet the established fair use standards, and could not be defended on that front either.

The Takeaway: Fair use is limited when it comes to web scrapers, and copyrighted content is not always open to be scraped.


By closely observing the outcomes of previous rulings, you’ll find that there are a few guidelines that a scraper should attempt to adhere to:

    Content being scraped is not copyright protected
    The act of scraping does not burden the services of the site being scraped
    The scraper does not violate the Terms of Use of the site being scraped
    The scraper does not gather sensitive user information
    The scraped content adheres to fair use standards

While all of these guidelines are important to understand before using scrapers, there are other ways to acclimate to the legal nuances. In many cases, you’ll find that a simple conversation with a business software developer or consultant will lead to some satisfying conclusions: Odds are, they’ve used scrapers in the past and can shed light on any snags they’ve hit in the process. And of course, talking with a lawyer is always an ideal course of action when treading into questionable legal territory.


Friday, 14 November 2014

Interactive Crawls for Scraping AJAX Pages on the Web

Crawling pages on the web has become an everyday affair for most enterprises. Too often do we come across offline businesses as well who’d like data gathered from the web for internal analyses. All this eventually to serve customers faster and better. At times, when the crawl job is high-end cum high-scale, businesses also consider DaaS providers to supplement their efforts.

However, the web landscape too has evolved with newer technologies that provide fancy experiences to web users. AJAX elements are one such common aid that leave even the DaaS providers perplexed. They come in various forms from a user’s point of view-

1. Load more results on the same page

2. Filter results based on various selection criteria

3. Submit forms, etc.

When crawling a non-AJAX page, simple GET requests do the job. However, AJAX pages work with POST requests that are not easy to trace for a normal bot.

Difference between GET request and POST request- Scraping


At PromptCloud, from our experience with a number of AJAX sites on the web, we’ve crossed the tech barrier. Below is a quick review about the challenges that come with AJAX crawling and its indicative solutions-

1. Javascript Emulations- A bot essentially emulates human browsing to fetch pages. When this needs to be done for Javascript components on a page, it gets tricky. Headless browser, which emulates human interaction with a web page without an interface, is the current approach. These browsers click on various elements/ dropdown lists that are embedded within Javascript code and capture responses to be transferred to programs. Which headless browser to pick depends on what fits well into your current stack.

2. Fetch Bandwidths- Unlike GET requests which complete pretty quickly, POST requests take quite a bit of time due to the number of events involved per fetch. Hence a good amount of bandwidth needs to be allocated in order to receive the response. For the same reason, wait times need to be taken care of too else you might end up with incomplete responses.

3. .NET Architectures- This is a more complex scenario related to maintaining the View State. Most of the postbacks come with an event and its validation. The bot needs to track the view state and pass validations for the event to occur so that the code can be executed and results captured. This is achieved by adopting a mechanism to restore states if things break midway.

4. Page Encoding- Request and response headers need to be taken care of on AJAX pages. The request needs to be sent in the exact format as expected by the server (Content-type or media type, accept fields, etc.) and similarly responses need to be parsed based on the content-type.

A Use Case

One of our clients who is into sale of event tickets at discounted rates had us crawl one of the ticketing sites on the web weekly; one of the most complex AJAX crawling we’ve dealt with so far. For the data that was to be extracted, multiple AJAX fetches were needed depending on the selections made. Requests had to be made for a combination of items from the dropdown box. These came with cookies and session IDs. To add to the challenge the site was extremely dynamic and changed its structure every week making it difficult for us to follow what data was where on the page.

We developed an AJAX crawler specific to this site to take care of all the dynamics. Response times were taken care of so that we didn’t miss any relevant information. We included an ML component to improve the crawler which is now pretty stable irrespective of changes on the site.

Overall, AJAX crawling requires more compute power in addition to the tech expertise. And because there’s no uniformity on the web, there’s always a new challenge to overcome in this landscape. It wouldn’t be an overrating if we said we’ve done a good job at that so far and have developed the knack :)

Reach out to us for any kind of web scraping/ crawling- either AJAX or not. We’ll take care of the complexities.


Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Web scraping services-importance of scraped data

Web scraping services are provided by computer software which extracts the required facts from the website. Web scraping services mainly aims at converting unstructured data collected from the websites into structured data which can be stockpiled and scrutinized in a centralized databank. Therefore, web scraping services have a direct influence on the outcome of the reason as to why the data collected in necessary.

It is not very easy to scrap data from different websites due to the terms of service in place. So, the there are some legalities that have been improvised to protect altering the personal information on different websites. These ‘rules’ must be followed to the letter and to some extent have limited web scraping services.

Owing to the high demand for web scraping, various firms have been set up to provide the efficient and reliable guidelines on web scraping services so that the information acquired is correct and conforms to the security requirements. The firms have also improvised different software that makes web scraping services much easier.

Importance of web scraping services

Definitely, web scraping services have gone a long way in provision of very useful information to various organizations. But business companies are the ones that benefit more from web scraping services. Some of the benefits associated with web scraping services are:

    Helps the firms to easily send notifications to their customers including price changes, promotions, introduction of a new product into the market. Etc.
    It enables firms to compare their product prices with those of their competitors
    It helps the meteorologists to monitor weather changes thus being able to focus weather conditions more efficiently
    It also assists researchers with extensive information about peoples’ habits among many others.
    It has also promoted e-commerce and e-banking services where the rates of stock exchange, banks’ interest rates, etc. are updated automatically on the customer’s catalog.

Advantages of web scraping services

The following are some of the advantages of using web scraping services

    Automation of the data

    Web scraping can retrieve both static and dynamic web pages

    Page contents of various websites can be transformed

    It allows formulation of vertical aggregation platforms thus even complicated data can still be extracted from different websites.

    Web scraping programs recognize semantic annotation

    All the required data can be retrieved from their websites

    The data collected is accurate and reliable

Web scraping services mainly aims at collecting, storing and analyzing data. The data analysis is facilitated by various web scrapers that can extract any information and transform it into useful and easy forms to interpret.

Challenges facing web scraping

    High volume of web scraping can cause regulatory damage to the pages

    Scale of measure; the scales of the web scraper can differ with the units of measure of the source file thus making it somewhat hard for the interpretation of the data

    Level of source complexity; if the information being extracted is very complicated, web scraping will also be paralyzed.

It is clear that besides web scraping providing useful data and information, it experiences a number of challenges. The good thing is that the web scraping services providers are always improvising techniques to ensure that the information gathered is accurate, timely, reliable and treated with the highest levels of confidentiality.


Monday, 10 November 2014

How to scrape Amazon with WebDriver in Java

Here is a real-world example of using Selenium WebDriver for scraping.
This short program is written in Java and scrapes book title and author from the Amazon webstore.
This code scrapes only one page, but you can easily make it scraping all the pages by adding a couple of lines.

You can download the souce here.

import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.*;

import org.openqa.selenium.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class FetchAllBooks {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

        WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();



        List<WebElement> allAuthors =  driver.findElements(By.className("tgProductAuthor"));
        List<WebElement> allTitles =  driver.findElements(By.className("tgProductTitleText"));
        int i=0;
        String fileText = "";

        for (WebElement author : allAuthors){
            String authorName = author.getText();
            String Url = (String)((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("return

arguments[0].innerHTML;", allTitles.get(i++));
            final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("title=(.+?)>");
            final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(Url);
            String title =;
            fileText = fileText+authorName+","+title+"\n";

        Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new

FileOutputStream("books.csv"), "utf-8"));



Saturday, 8 November 2014

Web Scraping Enters Politics

Web scraping is becoming an essential tool in gaining an edge over everything about just anything. This is proven by international news on US political campaigns, specifically by identifying wealthy donors. As is commonly known, election campaigns should follow a rule regarding the use of a certain limited amount of money for the expenses of each candidate. Being so, much of the campaign activities must be paid by supporters and sponsors.

It is not a surprise then that even politics is lured to make use of the dynamic and ever growing data mining processes. Once again, web mining has proven to be an essential component of almost all levels of human existence, the society, and the world as a whole. It proves its extraordinary capacity to dig precious information to reach the much aspired for goals of every individual.

Mining for personal information

The CBC News online very recently disclosed that the US Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has used data mining in order to identify rich donors. It is reported that the act of getting personal information such as the buying history and church attendance were vital in this incident. Through this information, the party was able to identify prospective rich donors and indeed tap them. As a businessman himself, Romney knows exactly how to fish and where the fat fish are. Moreover, what is unique about the identified donors is that they have never been donating before.


Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Web Scraping: The Invaluable Decision Making Tool

Business decisions are mandatory in any company. They reflect and directly influence about the future of the company. It is important to realize that decisions must be made in any business situation. The generation of new ideas calls for new actions. This in turn calls for decisions. Decisions can only be made when there is adequate information or data regarding the problem and the cause of action to be taken. Web scraping offers the best opportunity in getting the required information that will enable the management make a wise and sound decision.

Therefore web scraping is an important part in generation of the practical interpretations for the business decision making process. Since businesses take many courses of actions the following areas call for adequate web scraping in order to make outstanding decisions.

1. Suppliers. Whether you are running an offline business there is need to get information regarding your suppliers. In this case there are two situations. The first situation is about your current suppliers and the second situation is about the possibility of acquiring new suppliers. By web scraping you has the opportunity to gather about your suppliers. You need to know other business they are supplying to and the kind of discounts and prices they offer to them. Another important aspect about consumers is to determine the periods when they have surplus and therefore be able to determine the purchasing prices.

Web scraping can provide new information concerning new suppliers. This will make a cutting edge in the purchasing sector. You can get new suppliers that have reasonable prices. This will go a long way in ensuring a profitable business. Therefore web scraping is an integral process that should be taken first before making a vital decision concerning suppliers.
