Friday, 27 September 2013

Scraping with Screen Scraper

Let’s look how to use Screen Scraper for scraping Amazon products having a list of asins in external database.

Screen Scraper is designed to be interoperable with all sorts of databases and web-languages. There is even a data-manager that allows one to make a connection to a database (MySQL, Amazon RDS, MS SQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, etc), and then the scripting in screen-scraper is agnostic to the type of database.

Let’s go through a sample scrape project you can see it at work. I don’t know how well you know Screen Scraper, but I assume you have it installed, and a MySQL database you can use. You need to:

    Make sure screen-scraper is not running as workbench or server
    Put the Amazon (Scraping Session).sss file in the “screen-scraper enterprise edition/import” directory.
    Put the mysql-connector-java-5.1.22-bin.jar file in the “screen-scraper enterprise edition/lib/ext” directory.
    Create a MySQL database for the scrape to use, and import the amazon.sql file.
    Put the amazon.db.config file in the “screen-scraper enterprise edition/input” directory and edit it to contain proper settings to connect to your database.
    Start the screen scraper workbench

Since this is a very simple scrape, you just want to run it in the workbench (most of the time you want to run scrapes in server mode). Start the workbench, and you will see the Amazon scrape in there, and you can just click the “play” button.

Note that a breakpoint comes up for each item. It would be easy to save the scraped details to a database table or file if you want. Also see in the database the “id_status” changes as each item is scraped.

When the scrape is run, it looks in the database for products marked “not scraped”, so when you want to re-run the scrapes, you need to:

SET `id_status` = 0

Have a nice scraping! ))

P.S. We thank Jason Bellows from Ekiwi, LLC for such a great tutorial.


Thursday, 26 September 2013

Using External Input Data in Off-the-shelf Web Scrapers

There is a question I’ve wanted to shed some light upon for a long time already: “What if I need to scrape several URL’s based on data in some external database?“.

For example, recently one of our visitors asked a very good question (thanks, Ed):

    “I have a large list of asin. I would like to scrape 10 or so fields for each asin. Is there any web scraping software available that can read each asin from a database and form the destination url to be scraped like{asin} and scrape the data?”

This question impelled me to investigate this matter. I contacted several web scraper developers, and they kindly provided me with detailed answers that allowed me to bring the following summary to your attention:
Visual Web Ripper

An input data source can be used to provide a list of input values to a data extraction project. A data extraction project will be run once for each row of input values. You can find the additional information here.
Web Content Extractor

You can use the -at”filename” command line option to add new URLs from TXT or CSV file:

    WCExtractor.exe projectfile -at”filename” -s

projectfile: the file name of the project (*.wcepr) to open.
filename – the file name of the CSV or TXT file that contains URLs separated by newlines.
-s – starts the extraction process

You can find some options and examples here.

Since Mozenda is cloud-based, the external data needs to be loaded up into the user’s Mozenda account. That data can then be easily used as part of the data extracting process. You can construct URLs, search for strings that match your inputs, or carry through several data fields from an input collection and add data to it as part of your output. The easiest way to get input data from an external source is to use the API to populate data into a Mozenda collection (in the user’s account). You can also input data in the Mozenda web console by importing a .csv file or importing one through our agent building tool.

Once the data is loaded into the cloud, you simply initiate building a Mozenda web agent and refer to that Data list. By using the Load page action and the variable from the inputs, you can construct a URL like
Helium Scraper

Here is a video showing how to do this with Helium Scraper:

The video shows how to use the input data as URLs and as search terms. There are many other ways you could use this data, way too many to fit in a video. Also, if you know SQL, you could run a query to get the data directly from an external MS Access database like
SELECT * FROM [MyTable] IN "C:\MyDatabase.mdb"

Note that the database needs to be a “.mdb” file.
WebSundew Data Extractor
Basically this allows using input data from external data sources. This may be CSV, Excel file or a Database (MySQL, MSSQL, etc). Here you can see how to do this in the case of an external file, but you can do it with a database in a similar way (you just need to write an SQL script that returns the necessary data).
In addition to passing URLs from the external sources you can pass other input parameters as well (input fields, for example).
Screen Scraper

Screen Scraper is really designed to be interoperable with all sorts of databases. We have composed a separate article where you can find a tutorial and a sample project about scraping Amazon products based on a list of their ASINs.


Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Data Mining As a Process

The data mining process is also known as knowledge discovery. It can be defined as the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and then summarizing the data into useful information in order to improve the revenue and cut the costs. The process enables categorization of data and the summary of the relationships is identified. When viewed in technical terms, the process can be defined as finding correlations or patterns in large relational databases. In this article, we look at how data mining works its innovations, the needed technological infrastructures and the tools such as phone validation.

Data mining is a relatively new term used in the data collection field. The process is very old but has evolved over the time. Companies have been able to use computers to shift over the large amounts of data for many years. The process has been used widely by the marketing firms in conducting market research. Through analysis, it is possible to define the regularity of customers shopping. How the items are bought. It is also possible to collect information needed for the establishment of revenue increase platform. Nowadays, what aides the process is the affordable and easy disk storage, computer processing power and applications developed.

Data extraction is commonly used by the companies that are after maintaining a stronger customer focus no matter where they are engaged. Most companies are engaged in retail, marketing, finance or communication. Through this process, it is possible to determine the different relationships between the varying factors. The varying factors include staffing, product positioning, pricing, social demographics, and market competition.

A data-mining program can be used. It is important note that the data mining applications vary in types. Some of the types include machine learning, statistical, and neural networks. The program is interested in any of the following four types of relationships: clusters (in this case the data is grouped in relation to the consumer preferences or logical relationships), classes (in this the data is stored and finds its use in the location of data in the per-determined groups), sequential patterns (in this case the data is used to estimate the behavioral patterns and patterns), and associations (data is used to identify associations).

In knowledge discovery, there are different levels of data analysis and they include genetic algorithms, artificial neural networks, nearest neighbor method, data visualization, decision trees, and rule induction. The level of analysis used depends on the data that is visualized and the output needed.

Nowadays, data extraction programs are readily available in different sizes from PC platforms, mainframe, and client/server. In the enterprise-wide uses, size ranges from the 10 GB to more than 11 TB. It is important to note that two crucial technological drivers are needed and are query complexity and, database size. When more data is needed to be processed and maintained, then a more powerful system is needed that can handle complex and greater queries.

With the emergence of professional data mining companies, the costs associated with process such as web data extraction, web scraping, web crawling and web data mining have greatly being made affordable.


Monday, 23 September 2013

Data Processing Services - Different Types of Data Processing

Data processing services- To get proper information in specific and require data format and process your data which can be understand by people.

In the most of BPO (business process outsourcing) companies, converting your data (information) into right data format which is known as data processing services and also a very important part of the BPO company. There are many types of data process are available in the BPO industry such as check processing, insurance claim process, forms process, image process, survey processing and other business process services.

There is some important data processing services which can help to the business described as below:

Check-Processing: In any business, check processing is essential requirements to make easy online transactions. It will increase and make fast your business process.

Insurance-Claim-Processing: Sometime it is very complicated to handle. An insurance claim is an official request submitted to the insurance company demanding payment as per the terms of the policy. The terms of the insurance contract dictate the insurance claim amount.

Form-Processing: In the business, there are some important forms are used to process properly and receive accurate data or information. It is one of very crucial data online processing service.

Image-Processing: In electrical engineering and computer science, capturing and manipulating images to enhance or extract information. Image processing functions include resizing, sharpening, brightness, and contrast.

Survey-Processing: To make quick decision and want to market research, survey form is very much helpful in take proper decision or any important action.

Thus, these all important data process and conversion services can help any business to grow their profit and make business process very easy to access.


Friday, 20 September 2013

Basics of Online Web Research, Web Mining & Data Extraction Services

The evolution of the World Wide Web and Search engines has brought the abundant and ever growing pile of data and information on our finger tips. It has now become a popular and important resource for doing information research and analysis.

Today, Web research services are becoming more and more complicated. It involves various factors such as business intelligence and web interaction to deliver desired results.

Web Researchers can retrieve web data using search engines (keyword queries) or browsing specific web resources. However, these methods are not effective. Keyword search gives a large chunk of irrelevant data. Since each webpage contains several outbound links it is difficult to extract data by browsing too.

Web mining is classified into web content mining, web usage mining and web structure mining. Content mining focuses on the search and retrieval of information from web. Usage mining extract and analyzes user behavior. Structure mining deals with the structure of hyperlinks.

Web mining services can be divided into three subtasks:

Information Retrieval (IR): The purpose of this subtask is to automatically find all relevant information and filter out irrelevant ones. It uses various Search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc and other resources to find the required information.

Generalization: The goal of this subtask is to explore users' interest using data extraction methods such as clustering and association rules. Since web data are dynamic and inaccurate, it is difficult to apply traditional data mining techniques directly on the raw data.

Data Validation (DV): It tries to uncover knowledge from the data provided by former tasks. Researcher can test various models, simulate them and finally validate given web information for consistency.


Thursday, 19 September 2013

Various Data Mining Techniques

Also called Knowledge Discover in Databases (KDD), data mining is the process of automatically sifting through large volumes of data for patterns, using tools such as clustering, classification, association rule mining, and many more. There are several major data mining techniques developed and known today, and this article will briefly tackle them, along with tools for increased efficiency, including phone look up services.

Classification is a classic data mining technique. Based on machine learning, it is used to classify each item on a data set into one of predefined set of groups or classes. This method uses mathematical techniques, like linear programming, decision trees, neural network, and statistics. For instance, you can apply this technique in an application that predicts which current employees will most probably leave in the future, based on the past records of those who have resigned or left the company.

Association is one of the most used techniques, and it is where a pattern is discovered basing on a relationship of a specific item on other items within the same transaction. Market basket analysis, for example, uses association to figure out what products or services are purchased together by clients. Businesses use the data produced to devise their marketing campaign.

Sequential patterns, too, aim to discover similar patterns in data transaction over a given business phase or period. These findings are used for business analysis to see relationships among data.

Clustering makes useful cluster of objects that maintain similar characteristics using an automatic method. While classification assigns objects into predefined classes, clustering defines the classes and puts objects in them. Predication, on the other hand, is a technique that digs into the relationship between independent variables and between dependent and independent variables. It can be used to predict profits in the future - a fitted regression curve used for profit prediction can be drawn from historical sale and profit data.

Of course, it is highly important to have high-quality data in all these data mining techniques. A multi-database web service, for instance, can be incorporated to provide the most accurate telephone number lookup. It delivers real-time access to a range of public, private, and proprietary telephone data. This type of phone look up service is fast-becoming a defacto standard for cleaning data and it communicates directly with telco data sources as well.

Phone number look up web services - just like lead, name, and address validation services - help make sure that information is always fresh, up-to-date, and in the best shape for data mining techniques to be applied.

Equip your business with better leads and get better conversion rates by using phone look up and similar real-time web services.


Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Why Outsourcing Data Mining Services?

Are huge volumes of raw data waiting to be converted into information that you can use? Your organization's hunt for valuable information ends with valuable data mining, which can help to bring more accuracy and clarity in decision making process.

Nowadays world is information hungry and with Internet offering flexible communication, there is remarkable flow of data. It is significant to make the data available in a readily workable format where it can be of great help to your business. Then filtered data is of considerable use to the organization and efficient this services to increase profits, smooth work flow and ameliorating overall risks.

Data mining is a process that engages sorting through vast amounts of data and seeking out the pertinent information. Most of the instance data mining is conducted by professional, business organizations and financial analysts, although there are many growing fields that are finding the benefits of using in their business.

Data mining is helpful in every decision to make it quick and feasible. The information obtained by it is used for several applications for decision-making relating to direct marketing, e-commerce, customer relationship management, healthcare, scientific tests, telecommunications, financial services and utilities.

Data mining services include:

    Congregation data from websites into excel database
    Searching & collecting contact information from websites
    Using software to extract data from websites
    Extracting and summarizing stories from news sources
    Gathering information about competitors business

In this globalization era, handling your important data is becoming a headache for many business verticals. Then outsourcing is profitable option for your business. Since all projects are customized to suit the exact needs of the customer, huge savings in terms of time, money and infrastructure can be realized.

Advantages of Outsourcing Data Mining Services:

    Skilled and qualified technical staff who are proficient in English
    Improved technology scalability
    Advanced infrastructure resources
    Quick turnaround time
    Cost-effective prices
    Secure Network systems to ensure data safety
    Increased market coverage

Outsourcing will help you to focus on your core business operations and thus improve overall productivity. So data mining outsourcing is become wise choice for business. Outsourcing of this services helps businesses to manage their data effectively, which in turn enable them to achieve higher profits.


Monday, 16 September 2013

Benefits of Predictive Analytics and Data Mining Services

Predictive Analytics is the process of dealing with variety of data and apply various mathematical formulas to discover the best decision for a given situation. Predictive analytics gives your company a competitive edge and can be used to improve ROI substantially. It is the decision science that removes guesswork out of the decision-making process and applies proven scientific guidelines to find right solution in the shortest time possible.

Predictive analytics can be helpful in answering questions like:

    Who are most likely to respond to your offer?
    Who are most likely to ignore?
    Who are most likely to discontinue your service?
    How much a consumer will spend on your product?
    Which transaction is a fraud?
    Which insurance claim is a fraudulent?
    What resource should I dedicate at a given time?

Benefits of Data mining include:

    Better understanding of customer behavior propels better decision
    Profitable customers can be spotted fast and served accordingly
    Generate more business by reaching hidden markets
    Target your Marketing message more effectively
    Helps in minimizing risk and improves ROI.
    Improve profitability by detecting abnormal patterns in sales, claims, transactions etc
    Improved customer service and confidence
    Significant reduction in Direct Marketing expenses

Basic steps of Predictive Analytics are as follows:

    Spot the business problem or goal
    Explore various data sources such as transaction history, user demography, catalog details, etc)
    Extract different data patterns from the above data
    Build a sample model based on data & problem
    Classify data, find valuable factors, generate new variables
    Construct a Predictive model using sample
    Validate and Deploy this Model

Standard techniques used for it are:

    Decision Tree
    Multi-purpose Scaling
    Linear Regressions
    Logistic Regressions
    Factor Analytics
    Genetic Algorithms
    Cluster Analytics
    Product Association


Saturday, 14 September 2013

Know What the Truth Behind Data Mining Outsourcing Service

We came to that, what we call the information age where industries are like useful data needed for decision-making, the creation of products - among other essential uses for business. Information mining and converting them to useful information is a part of this trend that allows companies to reach their optimum potential. However, many companies that do not meet even one deal with data mining question because they are simply overwhelmed with other important tasks. This is where data mining outsourcing comes in.

There have been many definitions to introduced, but it can be simply explained as a process that involves sorting through large amounts of raw data to extract valuable information needed by industries and enterprises in various fields. In most cases this is done by professionals, professional organizations and financial analysts. He has seen considerable growth in the number of sectors or groups that enter my self.
There are a number of reasons why there is a rapid growth in data mining outsourcing service subscriptions. Some of them are presented below:

A wide range of services

Many companies are turning to information mining outsourcing, because they cover a wide range of services. These services include, but are not limited to data from web applications congregation database, collect contact information from different sites, extract data from websites using the software, the sort of stories from sources news, information and accumulate commercial competitors.

Many companies fall

Many industries benefit because it is fast and realistic. The information extracted by data mining service providers of outsourcing used in crucial decisions in the field of direct marketing, e-commerce, customer relationship management, health, scientific tests and other experimental work, telecommunications, financial services, and a whole lot more.

A lot of advantages

Subscribe data mining outsourcing services it's offers many benefits, as providers assures customers to render services to world standards. They strive to work with improved technologies, scalability, sophisticated infrastructure, resources, timeliness, cost, the system safer for the security of information and increased market coverage.

Outsourcing allows companies to focus their core business and can improve overall productivity. Not surprisingly, information mining outsourcing has been a first choice of many companies - to propel the business to higher profits.

In this Article Author wants to tell about Data mining services and truth behind Data Mining Outsourcing Service.


Friday, 13 September 2013

Online Retail - Mining for Gold

Online retailers live in an ever-changing environment, and the ability to stay competitive is the difference between doing well and doing nothing. In today's fast paced internet market place, if you aren't using web scraping, you are missing a key component to growing your business.

Data Mining

Data mining your competition's prices and services and making sure your prices and services are similar, or even lower, is what makes the difference. Why should your customer choose you if they can get the same product somewhere else for less? What data you collect and how often you update it is also another key ingredient to success.

Extract Website Data

Web scraping allows you to gather information from your competition and use it improve your position in the market. When you extract website data from your competitor's website, it allows you to conduct business from a position that doesn't involve guess work. The internet is an environment that is constantly being updated and changed. It is vital that you have the ability to have up-to-date information on what others in your market are doing. If you can't do this, you really can't compete.

Application of Information

When you know what your competitors are doing all the time, you can keep your business a little more competitive than they are. When you have information such as monthly and even weekly price variations in the market and what products and services are being offered, you can apply that information to your own pricing matrix and ensure a competitive edge in your market.

An Army of One

Web scraping gives you the ability to see what is going on in the market at all times. You can monitor just about anything you choose with a web scraping service. Many online retailers are very small operations and they don't have the resources to constantly monitor each competitor's website - so engaging a web scraping service is like having your own marketing and research team working for you night and day to keep tabs on them. You choose what it is you want to know, and your research team goes to work. Simple.

Staying Ahead of Trends

Having the ability to recognize trends is the key to any business, especially on the internet were information is so fluid. The business that can identify a trend quickly and take advantage of it will always stay one step ahead. That's why big corporations have teams dedicated to researching market trends and predictions. If you can see where something is going, you can always get ahead of it. That's what web scraping can help you do - identify those trends in your market so you can get in ahead of the pack.

A Helping Hand

Sometimes running your own online retail business can be a daunting and lonely ordeal. Even those that have a great deal of experience with the internet can feel lost at times. A web scraping service is a tool you can use to help yourself in such times. Web scraping is automated and precise, and it gives you the ability to have vital information delivered to you in a manner you can understand and use. It's one less thing to worry about - and the information you get from data mining is what every business owner actually should worry about - what the competition is doing? With a web scraping service, you can concern yourself with other things - like making more profits.


Thursday, 12 September 2013

Data Mining - A Short Introduction

Data mining is an integral part of data analysis which contains a series of activities that goes from the 'meaning' of the ideas, to the 'analysis' of the data and up to the 'interpretation' and 'evaluation' of the outcome. The different stages of the technique are as follows:

Objectives for Analysis: It is sometimes very difficult to statistically define the phenomenon we wish to analyze. In fact, the business objectives are often clear, but the same can be difficult to formalize. A clear understanding of the crisis and the goals is very important setup the analysis correctly. This is undoubtedly, one of the most complex parts of the process, since it establishes the techniques to be engaged and as such, the objectives must be crystal clear and there should not be any doubt or ambiguity.

Collection, grouping and pre-processing of the data: Once the objectives of the analysis are set and defined, we need to gather or choose the data needed for the study. At first, it is essential to recognize the data sources. Usually data are collected from the internal sources as the same are economical and more dependable and moreover these data also has the benefit of being the outcome of the experiences and procedures of the business itself.

Investigative analysis of the data and their conversion: This stage includes a preliminary examination of the information available. It involves a preliminary assessment of the significance of the gathered data. An exploratory and / or investigative analysis can highlight the irregular data. An exploratory analysis is important because it lets the analyst choose the most suitable statistical method for the subsequent stage of the analysis.

Choosing statistical methods: There are multiple statistical methods that can be put into use for the purpose of analysis, so it is very essential to categorize the existing methods. The choice statistical method is case specific and depends on the problem and also upon the type of information available.

Data analysis on the basis of chosen methods: Once the statistical method is chosen, the same must be translated into proper algorithms for working out the results. Ranges of specialized and non-specialized software are widely available for data mining and as such it is not always required to develop ad hoc computation algorithms for the most 'standard' purpose. However, it is essential that the people managing the data mining method well aware and have a good knowledge and understanding of the various methods of data analysis and also the different software solutions available for the same, so that they may adapt the same in times of need of the company and can flawlessly interpret the results.

Assessment and contrast of the techniques used and selection of the final model for analysis: It is of utmost necessity to choose the best 'model' from the variety of statistical methods accessible. The selection of the model should be based in contrast with the results obtained. When assessing the performance of a specific statistical method and / or type, all other dependent and / or relevant criterions should also be considered. The other criterions may be the constraints on the company both in terms of time and resources or it may be in terms of quality and the accessibility of data.

Elucidation of the selected statistical model and its employment in the decision making process: The scope of data mining is not limited to data analysis rather it is also includes the integration of the results so as to facilitate the decision making process of the company. Business awareness, the pulling out of rules and their use in the decision process allows us to proceed from the diagnostic phase to the phase of decision making. Once the model is finalized and tested with an information set, the categorization rule can be generalized. But the inclusion of the data mining process in the business should not be done in haste; rather the same should always be done slowly, setting out sensible and logical aims. The final aim of data mining is to be an integral supporting part of the company's decision making process.


Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Basics of Web Data Mining and Challenges in Web Data Mining Process

Today World Wide Web is flooded with billions of static and dynamic web pages created with programming languages such as HTML, PHP and ASP. Web is great source of information offering a lush playground for data mining. Since the data stored on web is in various formats and are dynamic in nature, it's a significant challenge to search, process and present the unstructured information available on the web.

Complexity of a Web page far exceeds the complexity of any conventional text document. Web pages on the internet lack uniformity and standardization while traditional books and text documents are much simpler in their consistency. Further, search engines with their limited capacity can not index all the web pages which makes data mining extremely inefficient.

Moreover, Internet is a highly dynamic knowledge resource and grows at a rapid pace. Sports, News, Finance and Corporate sites update their websites on hourly or daily basis. Today Web reaches to millions of users having different profiles, interests and usage purposes. Every one of these requires good information but don't know how to retrieve relevant data efficiently and with least efforts.

It is important to note that only a small section of the web possesses really useful information. There are three usual methods that a user adopts when accessing information stored on the internet:

• Random surfing i.e. following large numbers of hyperlinks available on the web page.
• Query based search on Search Engines - use Google or Yahoo to find relevant documents (entering specific keywords queries of interest in search box)
• Deep query searches i.e. fetching searchable database from's product search engines or's service directory, etc.

To use the web as an effective resource and knowledge discovery researchers have developed efficient data mining techniques to extract relevant data easily, smoothly and cost-effectively.


Monday, 9 September 2013

Data Mining Services

You will get all solutions regarding data mining from many companies in India. You can consult a variety of companies for data mining services and considering the variety is beneficial to customers. These companies also offer web research services which will help companies to perform critical business activities.

Very competitive prices for commodities will be the results where there is competition among qualified players in the data mining, data collection services and other computer-based services. Every company willing to cut down their costs regarding outsourcing data mining services and BPO data mining services will benefit from the companies offering data mining services in India. In addition, web research services are being sourced from the companies.

Outsourcing is a great way to reduce costs regarding labor, and companies in India will benefit from companies in India as well as from outside the country. The most famous aspect of outsourcing is data entry. Preference of outsourcing services from offshore countries has been a practice by companies to reduce costs, and therefore, it is not a wonder getting outsource data mining to India.

For companies which are seeking for outsourcing services such as outsource web data extraction, it is good to consider a variety of companies. The comparison will help them get best quality of service and businesses will grow rapidly in regard to the opportunities provided by the outsourcing companies. Outsourcing does not only provide opportunities for companies to reduce costs but to get labor where countries are experiencing shortage.

Outsourcing presents good and fast communication opportunity to companies. People will be communicating at the most convenient time they have to get the job done. The company is able to gather dedicated resources and team to accomplish their purpose. Outsourcing is a good way of getting a good job because the company will look for the best workforce. In addition, the competition for the outsourcing provides a rich ground to get the best providers.

In order to retain the job, providers will need to perform very well. The company will be getting high quality services even in regard to the price they are offering. In fact, it is possible to get people to work on your projects. Companies are able to get work done with the shortest time possible. For instance, where there is a lot of work to be done, companies may post the projects onto the websites and the projects will get people to work on them. The time factor comes in where the company will not have to wait if it wants the projects completed immediately.

Outsourcing has been effective in cutting labor costs because companies will not have to pay the extra amount required to retain employees such as the allowances relating to travels, as well as housing and health. These responsibilities are met by the companies that employ people on a permanent basis. The opportunity presented by the outsourcing of data and services is comfort among many other things because these jobs can be completed at home. This is the reason why the jobs will be preferred more in the future.

To increase business effectiveness, productivity and workflow, you need quality and accurate data entry system. this unrivaled quality is provided by Data extraction services which has excellent track record in providing quality services.


Saturday, 7 September 2013

The A B C D of Data Mining Services

If you are very new to the term 'data mining', let the meaning be explained to you. It is form of back office support services that are being offered by many call centers to analyze data from numerous resources and amalgamate them for some useful task. The business establishments in the present generation need to develop a strategy that helps them to cooperate with the market trends and allow them to perform well. The process of data mining is actually the retrieval process of essential and informative data that helps an organization to analyze the business perspectives and can further generate better interests in cutting cost, developing revenue and to acquire valuable data on business services/products.

It is a powerful analytical tool that permits the user to customize a wide range of data in different formats and categories as per their necessity. The data mining process is an integral part of a business plan for companies that need to undertake a diverse research on the customer building process. These analytical skills are generally performed by skilled industrial experts who assist the firms to accelerate their growth through the critical business activities. With a vast applicability in the present time, the back office support services with the data mining process is helping the businesses in understanding and predicting valuable information. Some of them include:

    Profiles of customers
    Customer buying behavior
    Customer buying trends
    Industry analysis

For a layman it is somewhat the process of processing some statistical data or methods. These processes are implemented with some specific tools that preform the following:

    Automated model scoring
    Business templates
    Computing target columns
    Database integration
    Exporting models to other applications
    Incorporating financial information

There are some benefits of Data Mining. Few of them are as follows:

    To understand the requirements of the customers which can help in efficient planning.
    Helps in minimizing risk and improve ROI.
    Generate more business and target the relevant market.
    Risk free outsourcing experience
    Provide data access to business analysts
    A better understanding of the demand supply graph
    Improve profitability by detect unusual pattern in sales, claims, transactions
    To cut down the expenses of Direct Marketing

Data mining is generally a part of the offshore back office services and outsourced to business establishments that require diverse data base on customers and their particular approach towards any service or product. For example banks, telecommunication companies, insurance companies, etc. require huge data base to promote their new policies. If you represent a similar company that needs appropriate data mining process then it is better that you outsource back office support services from a third party and fulfill your business goals with excellent results.

Katie Cardwell works as a senior sales and marketing analyst for a multinational call center company, based in United States of America. She takes care of all the business operations and analysis the back office support services that power an organization. Her extensive knowledge and expertise on Non -voice call center services such as Data Mining Services, Back office support services, etc, have helped many business players to stand with a straight spine and thus making a foothold in the data processing industry.


Friday, 6 September 2013

Data Mining - Retrieving Information From Data

Data mining definition is the process of retrieving information from data. It has become very important now days because data that is processed is usually kept for future reference and mainly for security purposes in a company. Data transforms is processed into information and it is mostly used in different ways depending on what information one is extracting and from where the person is extracting the information.

It is commonly used in marketing, scientific information and research work, fraud detection and surveillance and many more and most of this work is done using a computer. This definition can come in different terms data snooping, data fishing and data dredging all this refer to data mining but it depends in which department one is. One must know data mining definition so that he can be in a position to make data.

The method of data mining has been there for so many centuries and it is used up to date. There were early methods which were used to identify data mining there are mainly two: regression analysis and bayes theorem. These methods are never used now days because a lot of people have advanced and technology has really changed the entire system.

With the coming up or with the introduction of computers and technology, it becomes very fast and easy to save information. Computers have made work easier and one can be able to expand more knowledge about data crawling and learn on how data is stored and processed through computer science.

Computer science is a course that sharpens one skill and expands more about data crawling and the definition of what data mining means. By studying computer science one can be in a position to know: clustering, support vector machines and decision trees there are some of the units that are found on computer science.

It's all about all this and this knowledge must be applied here. Government institutions, small scale business and supermarkets use data.

The main reason most companies use data mining is because data assist in the collection of information and observations that a company goes through in their daily activity. Such information is very vital in any companies profile and needs to be checked and updated for future reference just in case something happens.

Businesses which use data crawling focus mainly on return of investments, and they are able to know whether they are making a profit or a loss within a very short period. If the company or the business is making a profit they can be in a position to give customers an offer on the product in which they are selling so that the business can be a position to make more profit in an organization, this is very vital in human resource departments it helps in identifying the character traits of a person in terms of job performance.

Most people who use this method believe that is ethically neutral. The way it is being used nowadays raises a lot of questions about security and privacy of its members. Data mining needs good data preparation which can be in a position to uncover different types of information especially those that require privacy.

A very common way in this occurs is through data aggregation.

Data aggregation is when information is retrieved from different sources and is usually put together so that one can be in a position to be analyze one by one and this helps information to be very secure. So if one is collecting data it is vital for one to know the following:

    How will one use the data that he is collecting?
    Who will mine the data and use the data.
    Is the data very secure when am out can someone come and access it.
    How can one update the data when information is needed
    If the computer crashes do I have any backup somewhere.

It is important for one to be very careful with documents which deal with company's personal information so that information cannot easily be manipulated.


Thursday, 5 September 2013

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Using Data Mining Services

In today's globalized marketplace Customer relationship management (CRM) is deemed as crucial business activity to compete efficiently and outdone the competition. CRM strategies heavily depend on how effectively you can use the customer information in meeting their needs and expectations which in turn leads to more profit.

Some basic questions include - what are their specific needs, how satisfied they are with your product or services, is there a scope of improvement in existing product/service and so on. For better CRM strategy you need a predictive data mining models fueled by right data and analysis. Let me give you a basic idea on how you can use Data mining for your CRM objective.

Basic process of CRM data mining includes:
1. Define business goal
2. Construct marketing database
3. Analyze data
4. Visualize a model
5. Explore model
6. Set up model & start monitoring

Let me explain last three steps in detail.

Visualize a Model:
Building a predictive data model is an iterative process. You may require 2-3 models in order to discover the one that best suit your business problem. In searching a right data model you may need to go back, do some changes or even change your problem statement.

In building a model you start with customer data for which the result is already known. For example, you may have to do a test mailing to discover how many people will reply to your mail. You then divide this information into two groups. On the first group, you predict your desired model and apply this on remaining data. Once you finish the estimation and testing process you are left with a model that best suits your business idea.

Explore Model:
Accuracy is the key in evaluating your outcomes. For example, predictive models acquired through data mining may be clubbed with the insights of domain experts and can be used in a large project that can serve to various kinds of people. The way data mining is used in an application is decided by the nature of customer interaction. In most cases either customer contacts you or you contact them.

Set up Model & Start Monitoring:
To analyze customer interactions you need to consider factors like who originated the contact, whether it was direct or social media campaign, brand awareness of your company, etc. Then you select a sample of users to be contacted by applying the model to your existing customer database. In case of advertising campaigns you match the profiles of potential users discovered by your model to the profile of the users your campaign will reach.

In either case, if the input data involves income, age and gender demography, but the model demands gender-to-income or age-to-income ratio then you need to transform your existing database accordingly.


Tuesday, 3 September 2013

An Easy Way For Data Extraction

There are so many data scraping tools are available in internet. With these tools you can you download large amount of data without any stress. From the past decade, the internet revolution has made the entire world as an information center. You can obtain any type of information from the internet. However, if you want any particular information on one task, you need search more websites. If you are interested in download all the information from the websites, you need to copy the information and pate in your documents. It seems a little bit hectic work for everyone. With these scraping tools, you can save your time, money and it reduces manual work.

The Web data extraction tool will extract the data from the HTML pages of the different websites and compares the data. Every day, there are so many websites are hosting in internet. It is not possible to see all the websites in a single day. With these data mining tool, you are able to view all the web pages in internet. If you are using a wide range of applications, these scraping tools are very much useful to you.

The data extraction software tool is used to compare the structured data in internet. There are so many search engines in internet will help you to find a website on a particular issue. The data in different sites is appears in different styles. This scraping expert will help you to compare the date in different site and structures the data for records.

And the web crawler software tool is used to index the web pages in the internet; it will move the data from internet to your hard disk. With this work, you can browse the internet much faster when connected. And the important use of this tool is if you are trying to download the data from internet in off peak hours. It will take a lot of time to download. However, with this tool you can download any data from internet at fast rate.There is another tool for business person is called email extractor. With this toll, you can easily target the customers email addresses. You can send advertisement for your product to the targeted customers at any time. This the best tool to find the database of the customers.

However, there are some more scraping tolls are available in internet. And also some of esteemed websites are providing the information about these tools. You download these tools by paying a nominal amount.


Monday, 2 September 2013

Data Entry Services For Organization - Outsource Data Entry Services

It is unimportant that you have a small business or big organization to serve large audience. Information is an important aspect for any size or kind of company. In business, profitability is main focus. Currently, there is constant fluctuation in business world. Every business has to be dynamic with high tempo.

In such a high pressured business environment, quick accessibility of accurate and detailed information is essential. If you know more about your customer, industry, trend and other factor which affect your business, you can quickly compare your business and increase the value. To manage such requirements, data entry services are the best option. Typing services not only control all information but also control information management effectively.

For any business that wants to extract data from any source, data entry services are necessity. Different types of businesses require different services. Some organizations choose offline data typing services while other gives significance to online data typing services. The main purpose of data typing services are same - organizing data properly for future use. Data typing services also include image entry, book entry, card entry, hand-written entry, legal document entry, insurance claim entry and other.

The general idea about data entry services are entering data into business database. But it's not just; it also includes data collection, extraction and processing. Such typing task is very time consuming. These tasks can be performed quickly and efficiently by data typing expert. So, such professionals are in high demand.

Some years ago, it was assumed that only in-house personnel could really understand the company's products or services. But today, various business process outsourcing companies are having typing experts who are quite knowledgeable in almost every field of business. They can easily manage your requirements and deliver the best result.

Typing service companies can manage your information with higher efficiency and produce quicker result. In current scenario, business organizations do not waver to outsource the typing task. Now, most of the companies are outsourcing their typing task and getting benefit of higher productivity and profitability.

Business organizations have understood the importance of managing information and necessity of data entry services.
